Temporada 2. Ep-4.
The Cacklin Kid
Hace muchas generaciones un meteorito convirtió a los animales de Moo Mesa en humanoides, influenciados por la cultura del lejano oeste su descendencia armó un pueblo emulándolo, y desde entonces se producen diversos enfrentamientos entre las fuerzas de la ley y del crimen. La serie además con ciertos anacronismos típicos del steampunk.
🎬 Temporada 1
1. Bang'em High - ▶️
2. A Snake in Cow's Clothing ▶️
3. Bulls of a Feather ▶️
4. School Days ▶️
5. A Sheepful of Dollars ▶️
6. Thoroughly Moodern Lily ▶️
7. Wetward, Whoa ▶️
8. Wedding Bull Blues ▶️
9. Legend of Skull Duggery ▶️
10. Stolen on the River ▶️
11. Dances with Bulls ▶️
12. The Big Cow Wow ▶️
13. Another Fine Mesa ▶️
🎬 Temporada 2
1. No Face To Hide ▶️
2. The Down Under Gang ▶️
3. Cow Pirates of Swampy Cove ▶️
4. The Cacklin Kid 🔴 ⏸️
5. Skull Duggery Rides Again ▶️
6. Billy the Kidder ▶️
7. How the West was Shrunk ▶️
8. Circus Daze ▶️
9. No Way to Treat a Lady ▶️
10. Night of the Cowgoyle ▶️
11. Boom Town or Bust ▶️
12. The Fastest Filly in the West ▶️
13. The Wild Wild Pest ▶️